Tuesday, October 04, 2005
What does one feel after a fall out?

It is hard to lose a very special person because of a fall out. Friends not talking to each other because of something petty. A friend trying her best to rekindle what is left but receives nothing in return. Both friends trying to bring back their love for each other but the fact of trying is so painful.

What makes a friendship fall out? Words that cause pain, words that was not said. Everything misinterpreted now caused dilema, confusion, pain from reminiscing and longingness.

Painful as it seems a person longing for someone gets paranoid of her actions or does not get peace of mind. One can only adjust in this state if one believes in CHANGE and of course Letting Go.

Learn to give up what you want and to choose to do what is right.

Fantastic Fabulous Faith at 10:39 PM |