The lyrics im not fond of but the games featured transported me back to my Happy Happy childhood days. I really believe how we react on things now roots from childhood experiences.
My favorite games would be Syato. How many times was i hit by the pato on the face particularly on the forehead? I am the BEST Patentero player coz i have long arms and can ran fast, that was before when i had stronger knees. Piko, most of the time i draw a bigger box coz i have big feet. Chinese Garter, i cant do tumbling but i can jump high. Im really not fond of Nanay Tatay instead i like Sweet Violet. Luksong Baka, not so much. Sipa, i cant do Black magic and i use my elbows for sipa, which should be the knee or foot. Last but not the leat, Teks. I remember my playmates who are mostly boys,they collect it in a shoebox and they trade, i dont play that often but i love how they count the teks. I-sa, dal-wa, tat-lo Cha!
I miss being a kid especially during summer. Where you get to play until 6 pm or until your parents call you or until your feet gets all dirty. Memories.