Saturday, August 18, 2007
I studied in a place called Malate which was derived from the term Maalat, salty. It didnt occur to me that there would be so many things i would miss about it. I miss Alda's, the quant authentic Italian resto at Pedro Gil. I miss Bay Walk and the mass of people flocking it just to get a drink or spend free view of the glorious Manila Bay Sunset. All of it gone. Alda's close down and Bay Walk was removed by the new Mayor. There is also word that the magnificent fountain at Rajah Sulayman will close too. I dont know. If there is nothing wrong, i suggest dont touch it at all.

I attended the wedding of Tamy at Malate Church and it brings back memories. That was the church where i had my Holy Communion and Confirmation. When i was a child i felt it was so huge, now it feels like home. I miss it so much its as if i know it like the back of my hands. Which i do.

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Fantastic Fabulous Faith at 7:53 PM |


At 11:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said........
"Malate which was derived from the term Maalat, salty"

Seriously? Hahaha. I didn't know that!

At 3:33 AM, Blogger Fantastic Fabulous Faith said........
yup...thats true