My brother is a Spiderman fan. I remember when he was 5 we would go to the mall and he would wear his Spidey costume with mask and all. He was so cute. He also sings the Spiderman song and my friends were like requesting him to sing it again and he'll do so with Spidey moves included.
I watched Spiderman 3 today with my hubby since brother wants to watch it with mom on sunday. I bought him an action figure instead.
The movie was nice both kids and adults would appreciate it. There are 3 parts i like about the film Fist is the part Spdrman tagged the (2nd) Green Goblin in the alley. Second, when S was dancing like John Travolta and the Last was the latter part of the film wherein he looked like JAKE GYLLANHALL. My hubby pointed that one out.
Watch it you'll like it.
Labels: movie