Monday, December 04, 2006
Its been a long wait and is still on going. I dont mind waiting for Roo as long as he comes out complete and healthy. So while waiting i could make my Christmas wishlist:

1. To see my babyboy RooRoo
2. Get Flu shots
3. Update my wardrobe ... one good reason to shop again!!!
4. To be a better mother and wife and daughter
5. Spa and facial .... oh how i missed getting pampered for almost 7 months
6. Ipod ... wishing for that for 2 years, it seems i have so many things in line before i could have one
7. Books books and books ...speaking of books...check out Shelfari website.
8. Good health and safety for everyone.
9. Pictures pictures and pictures
10. Peace on earth and good will to all

So while my cervix is still opening to a certain extent, im just savoring the moment of being married and having my own time and space. I know everything will change once Roo is out.


Fantastic Fabulous Faith at 3:38 PM |