Saturday, April 09, 2005
after continous searching for the right blog to write i ended up doing this coolest thing ever to hit the net. Its called Googlism. Its one way to perk you up in a day were you only got 3 hours of sleep, a flight with only 5 staff to dispatch (min 7 staff in a flight) and free internet usage( the latter is a blessing!!!!)

MY FaVoRiTe descriptions i got from GoogLiSm are:

faith is reason for
faith is not just believing
faith is the missing ingredient
faith is both god's gift and man's

and last but not the least

faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense

Gosh its so Profound!!!!

you can check out the site at

I checked my bestbuddies' names as well

mac is gold

hanzel is the sweetest
hanzel is looking for a little sugar in his bowl

tanya is not quite sure what she wants to do when she is finished

ivy is hard to find

ruby is tasty

gerith is a full adult dragon

sadly not all the names of my dearest friends can be found in googlism.....bummer!

Fantastic Fabulous Faith at 9:31 AM |


At 1:46 AM, Blogger silentmode_v2 said........
oi faith welcome back! sorry for the delays ng template mo ha... my pc just *#$&ked up on me. i'm waiting for my new hard drive. oks? ciao ciao