Friday, July 29, 2005
Hopefully, its pay day tomorrow. First thing on my list, stash away money to pay the rent. Second, stash away money to pay the phonebill. Third, stash way my baon. Fourth, sulk and think what will happen to the lakwatsera inside of me if there is nothing left to spend.

That's reality and it sucks badly.

I love to go to place, anywhere except at home. I still am surprise if i see myself at home on a weekend. Its either im sick or i really am broke that i cant even afford to windowshop.

My feet starts to drag me out of bed and straight to the mall or anywhere where i can spend. I wish one day my feet would drag me to jog again. I know its a sickness and i feel its eating up my system. There's 3/4 left of my sanity.

Someday, when i get the strenght to face this financial itch, ill let you know but for now, the journey of the lakwatseRa continues. Que Horror!!!

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By the way....congratulations KeLlY Perdew for winning the Apprentice......i know you'd make it.

Kelly is my ultimate crush in this season.

Fantastic Fabulous Faith at 3:00 AM |