Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Thinking Out Loud
I feel like crying....i dont know why....My eyes are itching from holding back the tears. Im getting emotional by the minute. Listening to my favorite CD for 2004 (jammin) makes me all mushy. Maybe thats it!! Why im all mushy and all.

Speaking of 2004.....What ever happened?

---->Ups and Downs

Its been a year of ups and downs. Acceptance and Rejection. Life was and still is fair with me. Karma strikes back as soon as my mouth blurts out something. It was not a rollercoaster ride last 2004 compared to 2003 but still some "ghosts" surface and haunts. I just hope my complete closure would let them rest in peace.

------> Knee-Mo

My forever knee problem. Maybe this year ill get this permanently fix. Its just hard falling down my pride again and its physically limiting.

--------> Earthmover

2004 made me earthquake phobic (whats the correct term?) From the intensity 6 in Morong,Bataan up to the intensity 4 at home. Freaky talaga!!!! Its like everytime I get paranoid about it my body shivers and freeze.
------My Wish --------
That 2005 would be faced with a loving heart, braver spirit and true faith in the Almighty.
and why am i teary eyed earlier?....i think im just hungry.
 Posted by Hello

Fantastic Fabulous Faith at 7:19 PM |


At 6:40 PM, Blogger ibYang said........
faith marie cabangon.. my schoolbusmate before hehe musta na? nice blog.. i have mine too actually and its nice to know na we're growing sa blogger world mwahahaha btw, jehan has din.. nasa links ko sya.. pwede ba add sa links ko? :) tc!

At 9:53 AM, Blogger Fantastic Fabulous Faith said........
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