Its pay day once again and time for me to do my accounting. While i was in the process of my art i realized that my beloved wallet is falling apart. I had this for 2 years now and its been with me through bounty and drought. I felt really sad to part with my all beautiful ala Bottega but i had to....until there is still the awe of beauty left on it. Its so dramatic of me but having an item with me for a long time, its like part and parcel of my trips my everyday life. Anyway, i dont want to sound so materialistic but i want to show you my new wallet. Its Uber Jam ( yeah like super jam). Its Amethyst in color and in soft leather. Some say that when buying a wallet make sure that its color will attrack money so i got ube....sana madaming 100, like limpak limpak, to share to everyone.
Top: Bottega Baby
Bottom: Uber Jam